Miltown Malbay was a nondescript Irish town until the world discovered Irish music, and places like Miltown and Doolin became stops on the cultural circuit. Miltown's fame rests on a number of local musicians, singers and dancers who performed with a distinctive style, the best known of whom was Willie Clancy (not to be confused with a 'ballad group' of the nineteen sixties of the same name). There is a yearly Irish music festival called the Willie Clancy Week (early July) dedicated to this particularly renowned performer - he could play pipes, the whistle, sing and tell stories. Sadly he is dead but his legacy lives on. He was only the best known of a number of local performers who gave the area it's present renown.
It is worth bearing in mind if visiting Miltown Malbay during (and especially on the last weekend of) the festival week that due to the large numbers of visitors, parking is at times difficult and at other times impossible to find within the town. It is worth noting also that at such times some members of the Gardai Siochana (the police force of the Republic of Ireland) can be a little over zealous in their interpretation of traffic laws re. obstruction and the like. You have been warned!
Miltown Malbay is located close to several nice beaches, but the most well known in the area are located a little out of town in the small village of Spanish Point.
There is a recycling facility in the town, accepting glass and drink cans.
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