Ireland - Environment |
This page contains Information on where to dispose of recyclable waste and current policy of major Irish companies and Government departments.
We believe it important that our environment is an issue under discussion. i.e. did you know that EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) statistics suggest that 73% of dioxins released into the air in Ireland are produced by burning household rubbish in back-yard incinerators and open fires? (c2004)
This seems counter-intuitive, most of us believe that the major contributors of this particular pollution are industrial business concerns. However, imagine burning only 1 plastic 2ltr milk container yourself a year, then multiply that by 4 million (Irish population c2005) you can start to see the scale of the problem.
Part of the solution is to recycle, re-use and buy products with the least packaging. We don't seek to lecture you, but hopefully help you continue the progress we are all making towards a cleaner and safer Ireland.
Other Useful Links - Birdwatching information and guided birdwatching tours in Ireland catering for all ages and abilities.
Birdwatch Ireland - conservation charity dedicated to protecting Ireland's wild birds and their habitats.
Towns and villages - information about many of County Galway's towns and villages
Discover Ireland Directory - wide ranging Irish only directory listing everything relevant to visitors and inhabitants of Ireland alike. Categories covering Art, Entertainment, Food and Drink, Accomodation, Travel, Business and Services. |