For the student of history, Moneen church near Kilbaha is worth a visit. In it, preserved behind glass, is a sort of covered wheelbarrow - the famous 'Little Ark of Kilbaha'. The local landlord was virulently anti-Catholic and forbade the reading of Mass on his estates, thus effectively leaving his tenants without access to divine worship. A local priest, Michael Meehan got the idea of a movable tabernacle and caused the 'ark' to be built by the local carpenter. On Sundays and Holy Days the 'ark' was wheeled at low tide on to the foreshore, as in law the land between high-water and low-water marks is no one's private property, and Fr. Meehan was able to read Mass in spite of the landlord, his congregation standing around on the shingles. The 'ark' was first used in 1852 and stayed in use for as long as was needed.
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